
Trademark registration certificate

Trademark application number 2020/04199 was submitted on 24 June 2020 and was registered on 08/08/2020 under number
609535. Announcement day 2020-08-04. The Swedish Patent and Registration Office certifies that the trademark pictured above
is entered in the trademark register with the information stated on the back of the certificate.
                        The Swedish Patent and Registration Office 2020-08-04.

                            Peter Strömbäck
                            Director General

Holder:                          Kashif Shahzad with Fybernots
                                 Rudeboksvägn 862
                                 226 55 Lund
Goods and services:
24: Textiles for decoration; bed linen and blankets.

27: Carpets of fibrous material.

Period of objection
If someone objects to the registration decision, the registration may be revoked in whole or in part.
Such an objection must have been received by PRV within three months from the date of the announcement.

A trademark registration is valid for ten years
For applications up to and including 31/12/2018:
A trademark registration is valid for ten years from the date of registration. After that, the registration can be renewed for
another ten years at a time. An application for renewal can be made no earlier than six months before the end of the ten-year period
and, for a higher fee, no later than six months thereafter. Within the same period, the fee must be paid.

For applications from 1 / 1-2019:
A trademark registration is valid for ten years from the date of filing. After that, the registration can be renewed for
another ten years at a time. An application for renewal can be made no earlier than six months before the end of the ten-year period
and, for a higher fee, no later than six months thereafter. Within the same period, the fee must be paid.

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